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Hominy Area Insight

  • As I pulled into Hominy and headed to Buck's Eats & 咖啡和笔记本电脑工作的奖励,上面这个小美女引起了我的注意.

    我喜欢美国国旗在这个房子的油漆颜色上弹出的样子. I passed by but then just had to turn around.

    There's something to be said for the view from the Brick Streets. 许多小城镇都有穿过柏油路或沿着小街延伸的砖砌街道. 他们就在那里——顶住压力,经受住时间的考验...

    你能想象铺设这些道路所涉及的劳动吗?这些道路可以告诉我们马车和T型车的时代? 它们就在这里——和我的“小黑车”(我的小车)一样强壮,今天我在霍米尼骑着它们转了一圈.

    在近一个世纪的时间里,这些砖一直是船板和石头地基的邻居, if not more. 这让我想起梅尔·哈格德的一首老歌,关于一辆福特和一辆雪佛兰持续了十年, "like they should.“我想说的是,船板和砖头也会坚持梅尔所唱的同样的情感. There's just something to be said for a job well-done that lasts. It's a testament to its builders and to its laborers. 一颗钉子接一颗钉子,一块砖接一颗砖——霍米尼当年的确有好事发生...

    Maybe it was fueled by the oil boom...Or maybe by the church...

    The Frederick Drummond Historic Home on Price Ave. is available for tours. But, 有一件事是肯定的——那些过去的建筑工人和砖瓦工人留下了今天仍然存在和说话的遗产, not from the rubble - but from the excellence.

    当你在奥塞奇县侦察时,我想邀请你去我们社区的“砖街”,在那里你会受到鼓舞,美国在俄克拉何马州生机勃勃,爱国主义永存. A place where small-town America holds on strong... 建立在没有在重压或狂风下崩溃的价值观基础上.

    You'll find a good way of life filled with neighbors, front porch sitting, sweet tea drinking, politic discussing, lawn mowing, flower planting, 在奥塞奇县的一大群农村里,健康的善良微笑着, Oklahoma -- on the Brick Streets.
  • If I were going to describe Cha' Tullis, the first wording that comes to mind is, "a ring for every finger and a heart as big as Texas.“当你看到他的时候,你就会认出他来,因为他比大多数人都高得多. 他是一个偶像和宝藏,他对奥塞奇县和他的霍米尼社区都有一颗触动我的心. Men like this one are rare.

    Hominy is a community with its own uniqueness. 在俯瞰小镇的山顶上,20英尺高的印度金属雕塑勾勒出西边天空的轮廓. 有一天,我去探险(大概是得到了主人的允许),爬上了那座小山的山顶. The view was gorgeous, but I was amazed at the size of those sculptures! 新领地是他们的名字,从他们的位置可以看到俄克拉何马州最好的风景之一. 由于Cha' Tullis的远见卓识和创造力,New Territory使Hominy脱颖而出.

    Many buildings sport fading murals throughout the downtown area. Those too, 讲述一个有一颗慷慨的心的人的故事,他在许多年前通过画笔的每一笔都心甘情愿地把它倾注出来. That man was Cha' Tullis.

    如果你在市中心打开车门时听到了美国原住民的音乐,那就跟着音乐走. 它会带你到Cha' Tullis画廊的门口,Cha'和他的妻子在那里, Tina, spend their days making jewelry and making friends. From hides to painted canvas art, ponchos to straw hats, 还有独一无二的绿松石珠宝创作——每次你去都能发现新的东西——我绝对推荐你去!

    Every community has them - the gems who go above and beyond, who give their best, who believe in their fellow man, and who make where they come from a better place for all. I call them the engaged. Not like with a ring on their left hand - but in Cha's case - yes, like with a ring on their left hand, on every finger Lol

    These are the pearls. 那些顶住压力放弃、放弃或认输的人. 这些人经受住了时间的考验——他们现在是磨练出来的,坚不可摧的,他们就像木制前廊上手工制作的刺钻一样叮当作响. 订婚的人不会抱怨问题,他们会提出解决方案. They are the outside-of-the-box thinkers, the innovative entrepreneurs, the overcoming dream pursuers, and the ones not spreading infectious small-town manure. It rhymed - but still, just sayin'.

    这些都是构成传奇的东西——查图利斯是奥塞奇县的英雄和传奇——不仅仅是因为我这么说, 还因为他被奥塞奇县历史学会认可, in 2019. However, 当你在霍米尼市中心参观他的珠宝展示会时,他永远不会告诉你这些事情. 他会更有兴趣和你谈论你的生活和你的成就,让你感到被欣赏和重要. But I guess that's just the way men of his character and caliber behave.

    我建议你开车去霍米尼的查图利斯画廊(查图利斯画廊).com). Recently, Cha和The Tourism Gal坐下来,录制了一集Osagin' It播客,你可以在Spotify上下载, Google Play, Amazon, Pandora, iHeart, iTunes, 还有更多——他谈到了他是如何开始从事艺术事业的,以及他对霍米尼的热爱, Osage County, Oklahoma.

    下次再见,你们都来俄克拉何马州奥塞奇县看我们,那里总是充满微笑. And we will leave the lights on for you.

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