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Choctaw, OK Real Estate, Homes For Sale, School & Area Information

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Choctaw Area Insight

  • Audrey Baker
    RE/bwinchina官网 Lifestyle
    这个小镇有着迷人的历史,植根于美国原住民的传统和边疆时代. 从乔克托族到1889年的土地挤兑, 乔克托见证了俄克拉何马州不断发展的挂毯. 渴望钻研故事,拥抱塑造这个充满活力的社区的丰富文化! #ChoctawOK #HistoryUnveiled #OklahomaHeritage
  • Audrey Baker
    RE/bwinchina官网 Lifestyle
    Ask Audrey a question about Choctaw.
    Choctaw, OK
    HOMES FOR SALE in last 30 days
    151 up by 45.4 %

    New to Market
    31 homes up by 16.3 %

    Days on Market
    53 days down by 16.4 %
  • Audrey Baker
    RE/bwinchina官网 Lifestyle
    Active Listings on the market are up 3% from 2022. Median List Price was $474,000
    and Days on the Market are 24. Be sure to check back next month for more information! Check the video below for more information.
  • Audrey Baker
    RE/bwinchina官网 Lifestyle
    乔克托的住房市场每天都在变化! Active Listings on the market are down 35% from 2023. 标价中值为46.1万美元,待售天数为21天.
    Be sure and check back next month for more information!
  • Audrey Baker
    RE/bwinchina官网 Lifestyle
    市场上的活跃房源数量较一年前增长了22%. Median List Price was $450,000
    with 19 Days on the Market. Be sure and check back next month for more information!
  • Audrey Baker
    RE/bwinchina官网 Lifestyle
    市场上的活跃上市数量较一年前下降了12%. Median List Price was $474,000
    and Days on Market was 40. Be sure and check back next month for more information
  • Audrey Baker
    RE/bwinchina官网 Lifestyle
    现在是发布2月份房地产市场最新数据的时候了. 市场上的活跃房源数量较一年前增长了8%, the Median List Price was $467,000, and the average days on the market was 39 Days. 看看这个短视频了解更多信息,下个月一定要回来查看更多信息!
  • Audrey Baker
    RE/bwinchina官网 Lifestyle
    It's time for another housing market update. Here are just a few quick stats: active listings on the market are down 4% from 2022; the median list price was $439,000; and the average time on the market is 35 days. 看看这个短视频了解更多信息,下个月记得回来哦.
  • Audrey Baker
    RE/bwinchina官网 Lifestyle

    * Days on the market increased to 24 days
  • Theresa Canup
    RE/bwinchina官网 Cobblestone
    Ask Theresa a question about Choctaw.
    Choctaw, OK
    This park is the place where all things Choctaw happen. 公园里有很多小路,还有一个操场, pond, frisbee golf, farmers market and so much more. Come check it out.
  • Audrey Baker
    RE/bwinchina官网 Lifestyle
    Ask Audrey a question about Choctaw.
    Choctaw, OK
    乔克托被宣布为俄克拉荷马州第三安全城市!! 全国家庭安全委员会为整个州提供了这些信息. Great news for the residents of Choctaw!
  • Audrey Baker
    RE/bwinchina官网 Lifestyle
    Ask Audrey a question about Choctaw.
    Choctaw, OK
    如果你没有去过乔克托的Freestyle Nutrition,我想说你错过了! 店主Frazel 100%致力于帮助社区! 他的店以美味的冰沙、提神茶和有氧鼓乐而闻名! You got that right, Cardio Drumming! Words will never describe his passion to help others! Stop by and say hello, you will not be disappointed!
  • Ask a Local Expert a question about Choctaw.
    Choctaw, OK
    乔克托是一个很适合居住的地方,靠近大城市,有乡村的氛围. 乔克托是俄克拉荷马县东部的一个小镇. It offers several grade schools and a great High School. 乔克托正在迅速发展,为整个家庭提供了各种各样的娱乐活动. Great neighborhoods from any price range. 这里的人很友好,热情好客.
  • 乔克托是一个惊喜,当谈到小城镇与大城镇的感觉. 高中的比赛有很好的参加和支持,有很棒的老师指导学生. 经过翻新和更新的初中给人的印象是这个小镇正在蓬勃发展. Whether in town or out of town near Indian Meridian, 这些小学位于战略要地.

    Choctaw is growing rapidly. 几英里之内就有你需要的一切:食品杂货, fast food, a nice sit down restaurant, salons, dentists, banks, Dollar General stores, 各个教派的友好教堂和公园里的跑步道. For the military families, 它真的很理想,因为它住在I-40附近,离州际公路两边都在15-20分钟的路程内. 这就像住在大城市的卧室社区一样, zipping around but getting there quickly.

    住在乔克托有很多原因,包括新建筑. 在过去的几年里,它爆炸式增长,在乔克托找到一个家并不难. There are great choices for a home.

    开车穿过乔克托,路上有起伏的山丘,经过美丽的绿色草坪和美丽的蓝天,提醒你你不在城市里. 你可以很容易地在山上找到一个家,俯瞰美丽的日落, or a private acreage with gorgeous open land. 早晨初升的太阳反射在池塘的水面上,你可能拥有池塘,这会让一个家庭欣赏这个城市. 美丽的早晨和夜晚经常出现在乔克托.

    秋天树叶的变化是住在那里的另一个原因. Choctaw is wonderful no matter what season it is. 听到棒球击打球棒的声音,听到播音员在喊足球比赛的比分, families have lots to do and see.

    Love Choctaw! Live Choctaw! Try Choctaw!

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